Small grants, big impacts from our Bursary
How the Hymans Robertson Foundation's bursary made a difference to young adults in 2022/2023.
08 Aug 2023

The Hymans Robertson Foundation introduced our Bursary in October 2020. Our funding now supports 11 charity partners across the UK to distribute bursaries to young people who are either in real hardship or need a financial grant to help them into or maintain their journey from school into learning, education, training or employment. This is a key part of our mission to support the most vulnerable young people in our communities.
Here’s what some of the recipients had to say about the impact Bursary funding has had for them:
This bursary will have a huge impact for me and my family – I cannot tell you how grateful I am that it’s come up at this time. Bursary receipient
This money will be a huge relief and benefit to my family and hopefully help us in the future, especially with all the cost-of-living increases that are happening at the moment. Bursary receipient
It will give me the head start I need to being more independent and relying on others less, also being able to attend job interviews etc with professional/suitable clothing. Bursary receipient
It’s regrettable that our funding is still needed, however with the continuing cost of living crisis and its impact on low-income people and families, we recognise the urgency and necessity to continue to support the Bursary. So, we’re pleased to share that our Board have approved further funding for the 23/24 financial year. We know from the feedback from our charity partners and the young people who have received funding, the impact the Bursary has, from achieving qualifications, securing necessary clothing and equipment for college, to training and employability skills. For those in real hardship, it helps towards food, fuel and warm winter clothing.
We have, in less than 3 years, supported nearly 900 young people with the bursary. We hear the difference a small amount of funding can make to their lives. Gill Tait - Chair Hymans Robertson Foundation
Gill Tait, Chair of the Hymans Robertson Foundation Board says “The Bursary is now an established fund for young people who need financial support to get into or continue their positive journey into a secure financial future. Our charity partners (and young people supported) continue to highlight this fund as a key element of the Foundation’s support. We have, in less than 3 years, supported nearly 900 young people with the Bursary. We hear the difference a small amount of funding can make to their lives. With our financial education partner, MyBnk, we can also ensure that young people have access to financial education services that can sustainably support them.”